Welcome to MorganMotivates.com
Morgan is a 17 year old Honor Student in the Miami-Dade County Public Schools System. Her commitment to assisting in the Miami-Dade Community stems from her family’s lifetime commitment to Public Service. After discussing the lack of Covid 19 awareness and the devastating impact in the African American community and the lack of African Americans becoming vaccinated, Morgan discussed with her parents ways in which she could help bridge the gap in South Florida. Morgan, an aspiring Journalist suggested that she could use one of the the same tools that her father uses in local elections, for which she volunteers, to educate citizens. Her goal is to reach individuals who are either reluctant or unaware of the inter workings of the Covid19 vaccines or simply those who do not know where they can be vaccinated. So, her dad convinced their older cousin, who is a web master, to help her design a tool that could be used as an information hub to help assist in informing the community of current information regarding Covid 19 from where to get an appointment and community food drives to the latest government information or other types of assistance.
One person can not do it all, but together we can make a difference as Morgan Motivates!
One person can not do it all, but together we can make a difference as Morgan Motivates!